Monday, February 9, 2009

Volunteer - It's good for the soul not the sole

So, I spent last thursday cleaning drawers, and drawers, and drawers. I had been contacted by soldiers angels that I could help out on friday at the VA hospital. So, I arrived at 8am sharp. We were to put up valentines decorations and decor for hospitalized veterans day. We could not use tape on the walls so we needed "stickies" that for some reason had not arrived. We had a few so we got started. For four hours we put up handmade cards and posters from the local elementary schools. I had so much fun. I got to talk to people and do something for somebody else. We had so many people thank us for doing so little. I had one triple amputee come up to me in her wheel chair and thank, thank, thank me. I felt so humbled that all these people were going through their thing but they thanked me. So, in return I would like to say thank you to liz, denise, beth, janet, and mary beth for letting me be a part of last friday. You guys were wonderful, thanks again! (I will admit my feet hurt a little from standing for so long but it was great!)