Monday, November 30, 2009

Its a Blue ball!

Xmas eve 2006 - set the stage. Jisaner and Beano always have to open a present on Christmas Eve - Big Daddy is once again argumentative about it with a sneaky look in his eye. I hand out the two "presents" to Jis and Bean. Jis opens hers first - "it's a blue ball!" Bean is yelling at the top of his lungs - let it be a can of simonzie, let it be a can of simonize! Lo and behold a can of simonize. The Christmas Story - the movie comes to life in my living room. So began gag gift Christmas Eve. Xmas eve 2007 - Jis writes a lovely poem for a daddy and presents him with his xmas eve gift - A LIVE MOUSE! Xmas 2008 - Bean receives Unlce Eddie's White shoes from Big Daddy - so the saga continues.

Turkey Day 2009

Kind of different - lots of fun. The schedule was all screwed up this year so we ended up eating at 5pm instead of 1pm. It was a lot easier to get everything together a little bit at a time but I still ended up cleaning up until 9pm. Also, got to go see the great tree lighting in L'ville which is now a Young family tradition. I even got props for my pies!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Turkey day coming soon

Well this is indeed going to be an interesting turkey day. Just about everybody is mad at everybody else and nobody seems to want to compromise so I told big daddy last night that maybe I just wouldn't cook for turkey day this year. The man almost fell over crying. My family has always looked forward to the big food day. I begin at about 5am - put the turkey in. Make the cornbread, make the mac and cheese, green beans, swwet potato casserole, dressing, pecan pie, pumpkin pie and for some reason my mom always has to make sure that we do fruit salad and ambrosia. I could really do without the last two because they are just a pain to fix right at the end. So after about 7 hours of straight cooking, eating and cleaning up I collapse on the sofa only to have someone tell me that they need something else. Maybe this year I will just tell everybody that we are working for Hosea's homeless and serve somebody who really appreciates it.

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Duck bit me

Gisaner comes home from daycare. Into the tub before dinner and i notice a huge red spot on her leg. What happened? "The duck bit me at the park" Oh my gosh, duck bite? do ducks have teeth? rabies? Call the vet - duck bite should not be fatal. Call daycare. "Does anybody know how gisaner got bitten by a duck and nobody told mom? One hour later, call from doretta at daycare. The only duck she was around at the park was a little metal duck on a bouncy spring, the duck bit her by catching her leg in the spring. Four year olds - gotta love em.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Why did you quit your job as a doctor?

Mama yang and big daddy go for the first big school conference when beano is in kindergarden. We are given all the test results, told that beano should probably be held back at the end of the year and then big daddy is presented with the question. Why did you quit your job as a doctor to go to work for the railroad?(says Ms. Smith). Huh? will have to ask beano about that one. Evidently beano has seen the picture from when he was born and had seen dad in scrubs and assumed that dad had been a doctor in his earlier life but loved the railroad so much that he quit to be a railroader. What happens when you assume?

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Family time - Big Daddy and I went to help gissaner do some exterior housework yesterday in A-town. Big Daddy taught gis how to use the pressure washer - they were fighting over the pressuer washer by the end of the day. Got alot of stuff and great sense of accomplishment for everyone. It was a good day. We love our daughter very much and are very proud of her.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

You look like a tiger

So, living with the three stooges over the years has created quite a long list of family stories. So I will attempt to chronicle these in no particular order until I get them all in.

Beano age 14, gisaner age 15. Beano wants to be the cool guy and dye his hair blonde like all the other guys on the 9th grade baseball team. Gissaner dyes hair for him. Big Daddy comes home and all hell breaks lose. "You look like a frickin leopard with all those spots on your head" Mom sent to kroger for brown hair dye to cover the leopards spots. Gissaner never had figured out why she got grounded for this one......................

Friday, July 17, 2009


So, unemployment is just what it says - un-employed. It does not say underachieved, big loser, or hopeless. The un-employed girls went to a free seminar today for re-employment. Well the speaker was, at his best, lost in yesterday. He tried hard but was completely in 1990. Get yourself to linkedin, twitter, - and LAUGH. LAUGH at the people in your car, laugh with the people in your car, laugh at yourself and realize that all of this will work itself out and until then...... Do something nice for somebody today, compliment, joke, kid around, and have fun. Cause you know what (can you tell i am from the south) it isn't going to do you any good to be an old crabby unemployed person. "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams, live the life you have imagined"(Henry David Thoreau).

Monday, February 9, 2009

Volunteer - It's good for the soul not the sole

So, I spent last thursday cleaning drawers, and drawers, and drawers. I had been contacted by soldiers angels that I could help out on friday at the VA hospital. So, I arrived at 8am sharp. We were to put up valentines decorations and decor for hospitalized veterans day. We could not use tape on the walls so we needed "stickies" that for some reason had not arrived. We had a few so we got started. For four hours we put up handmade cards and posters from the local elementary schools. I had so much fun. I got to talk to people and do something for somebody else. We had so many people thank us for doing so little. I had one triple amputee come up to me in her wheel chair and thank, thank, thank me. I felt so humbled that all these people were going through their thing but they thanked me. So, in return I would like to say thank you to liz, denise, beth, janet, and mary beth for letting me be a part of last friday. You guys were wonderful, thanks again! (I will admit my feet hurt a little from standing for so long but it was great!)

Friday, January 23, 2009

Thank You Bloggers

I have a confession to make. I love your blogs, your raunchyness (word?)(don't care) and the fact that you people have kept me alive for the last seven months. I have been condemned to office solitary confinement. In other words, I work for a builder, the builder isn't building anything but I AM STILL GETTING PAID to be here everyday. So I come to the office and I sit and do nothing and LOSE MY MIND. However, one day I stumbled upon the blogosphere and magic - I think I am regaining parts of my brain that have turned to mush. I even began looking for ways to keep myself upbeat and going. and the library have also been good for the soul. It is hard though -especially when the damn walls start talking back!

So, to all the blogs I follow I would like to say thanks from the crazy lady - may the real Sandi return to work land soon. (If you have work you need done send it over cause I am bored out of my ever lovin mind!)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Inauguration (from work)

So I started watching at about 10:45 on abc via internet. Then the brain shows up and blah,blah,blah wants to talk about stupid crap and I want to see the inauguration and he blah, blahs some more. So after they swore in Joe Biden (so he was actually the president for 15 minutes since they were late and the constitution strictly states 12 noon) i turned the freaking speakers on my computer so that you could see it. I did not vote for the man but he is our president and I believe that everyone should support him 100%. I believe that he gives alot of struggling people hope where there was none. I believe that if people have someone that can give them a reason to hope that we are all alot better off. He can deliver one heck of a speech. Alot of people believe in him and that gives me hope that we will eventually turn this thing around. It will take time and struggle but I believe that he is a good man and will work hard to move us forward. I prayed for you this morning President Obama, good luck and god be with you.

Monday, January 19, 2009

A Piece of Humble Pie

First of all i need to clarify that I loathe doing laundry. I loathe it. However, it is necessary with three gym rats in the house to do the laundry on a regular basis to keep the entire house from smelling like sweaty men. Fine, sunday afternoon, finishing up the laundry. HOUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM. The freaking dryer is spinning but not heating. Husband look at, fix now, two more loads to go. Not gonna work. Look on internet who has cheapest dryer this week (don't need the most expensive during these bad times) - go to hh..... - cheap dryer, deliver tomorrow, pick up old one. Perfect! But what do you do with the wet laundry that you have to have for the gym tomorrow? You go to that nasty old place that i loathe even worse - the laundromat. When my kids were little I used to pack everybody up on saturday morning and head to the laundry mat for approx two hours. They played packman and watched cartoons while I sweated it out getting everything clean. And then one magicial, completely spiritual, wonderful day we got our own washer and dryer - no more trips to the mat anymore, until yesterday. The laundromat ( if you can find one) is now a completely international city complete with people who not only do not watch their children, they seem to also not hear their screaming outbursts that do not stop. Quite a humbling, not so welcome experience - as soon as the economony gets better I am buying a backup for the garage.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I don't mean to make you blush

You know sometimes you come up on stuff and you just go WOWWY PETE! I stumbled upon the other day. Kevin has amazing stuff there. This guy has got to write a book, a war and peace or something. He puts is ALL out there and it is just amazing. I never in my life would be able to tell the story as he does. I am just dumb founded and in awe. Or just dumb. Please encourage him to write - he can make a huge contribution to the world.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Be Nice!

Well I just got back from the post office. I hate going and standing in line waiting with all the"crowd" to pick up certified mail. I hate,hate,hate it. I get a bad attitude just thinking about it. My attitude got worse when I pulled in and it was packed. And some complete moron in a big @$* truck decided to park in between the handicapped spots -therefore hanging over the handicap spot. Not a problem for me but for the little old man who had to park in a regular spot it was very hard. He obviously had recently had a stroke and he was walking with a walker so I waited and held the door for him. Then I asked him if I could get his mail for him, and then I held the door again and then helped in his car. Now mind you I am a crabby woman and so I guess I just completely lost my mind and decided on this RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS. So, my challenge to anyone that happens upon this is - do your own random act of kindness, whatever it may be. I promise it will make you feel better than the receipient.

Where's the Camera?

Tuesday Tribute TO: The Fam!
In the spirit of Tuesday Tribute I present the three stooges, again. Family vacations are always memorable with the fam - never know what will show up. A few years ago(ten, funny how I can remember stuff from ten years ago but can't tell you what i wore to work yesterday) we decided to go to Chattanooga for our anniversary and take the kids. It was March so we figured it might be an ok time to go. Wrong, could not see the black bears. Cold, snowy, foggy. Oh come on - make the best of it. We will go skiing! Yeah thats right, never skied before but lets go. First you have the lessons (ok my ankles already hurt). Girl stooge, I love it. Boy stooge - I wanna snowboard. Papa stooge - Can we go get a hot toddy? Ski lessons over, Up the mountain on the lift. We can all fit in the seat together, how fun, how pretty. Time to get off - uh oh, no lessons for that. Boy stooge - go first, fall down, girl stooge go second, fall on top of boy stooge, mamayang go next fall on kids, papa stooge - oh no. SKI LIFT CLOSED - PEOPLE HANGING IN LIFT CHAIRS. THREE STOOGE CATASTROPHE ON THE GROUND - MUST UNMANGLE WITH HELP OF FOUR ASSISTANTANTS. The thing that America's Funniest Videos dreams of. If I had only had the stinking camera we could have been the grand price winners!

So, to the fam, Happy Winter and here's to know more ski anniversaries!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Mean People

I just read a blog over at "life with tony" and how some girl had called him fatso as a kid and he finally gave her the old lunch tray on your head thing by accident. I thought it was great. There are so many downright mean people in the world I thought I would shed part of my light on it. When I was in 8th grade I had to ride the bus to school everyday(gasp today's teenagers would not think of it!). We had this kid that lived on top of the hill who was just plain mean as hell. He was always doing something mean to somebody. So, one afternoon i get on the bus to come home. Riding the bus, minding my own business. Bus stops at my stop. I get up, walk down the aisle, and then someone calls my name"Hey Sandi", I turn and about that time I am hit in the chest with the largest raw egg in history. I jump off the bus and run all the way home(3 houses) while the bus passes with people busting out in laughter. I am mortified, can't ever go to school again, call my mom. Well turns out that the bus driver just happened to be looking in the mirror as I got up (you know the BIG MIRROR) and saw that our old buddy Vince was the culprit again. So, even though I got the egg, Vince got bounced off the bus for good. By the end of high school Vince was but a distant memory, he got bounced out of school too and off to juvey. I heard one christmas break from college that old Vince even managed to get himself sent to the big house for armed robbery (in our neighborhood - dumb, really dumb). So Vince, whereever you are buddy - This Egg's for You!(I only hope that they let you eat it before you get to death row -unless they put it on your bald head and watch it scramble when they fry ya!Hugs and Kisses to all the nice folks - and to the bad folks - just remember - WHAT COMES AROUND GOES AROUND ...WHEN YOU LEAST EXPECT IT YOUR ELECTED!
Posted by sandi at 1:04 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Boiled Eggs and fiber bars
Back to that old new years thang. I have been working out for a while now but I must admit I HATE THE DAMN TREADMILL. I looooove to eat, drink and be merry - but you then have waistline issues and I am just over it. So I read some where(yeah some other stupid place to tell you how to take it off and keep it off with inner energy - my hiney!) that if you have a diet of dairy and eggs in the morning that it will be better than cereal and oatmeal. So for the last three days I have had: a boiled egg, a glass of milk, and three slices of turkey meat for breakfast, fiber one bar for snack, weight watchers meal for lunch(the three cheese ziti marinara and chicken parmesan are too die for - really!)and chicken or fish for dinner. OMG I am sounding like some crazed diet person but actually it hasn't been too bad. I do feel a little better in the morning but I can't tell as of yet. I know that i could chew the leg off the dog when I get home from the gym at 6:30 though. Anybody got any ideas to stave off the hunger pains?
Posted by sandi at 12:02 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tribute Tuesday

Ok - I copied this from Jay over at half-time lessons but I can't get the freakin button to work so I will just acknowledge that this is he and debs idea (dirtysocks and pizza) and hope this will be enough. I think it is a great idea. I would like to make Tribute Tuesday to my daughter Jen. Jen has been in college a long time and just as we thought we were at the end of college she had an unexpected hiccup and bombed the last final. C'est la vie - you will finish sometime. Jen has had a rough college life - started out playing softball in college and then four shoulder surgeries later she was done. Hard pill to swallow for a very successful high school and college pitcher. But, when God closes one door he opens another and Jen found Campus Outreach Ministries in Augusta. She has had such great opportunities to share her faith, her unbelievable sense of humor, and her love of people. She recently singled handedly put together a giving program for the inner city kids of augusta. Her plan was to give them basic necessities that they did not have by having customers donate during christmas. Great plan, corporate changed in though. So, as my tribute I lift up my daughter to say thanks for thinking about others and I know that you will go far in life; whatever his plan may be.
Posted by sandi at 7:39 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year - New Attitude
So, I have spent the last 12 months worrying if I am gonna have a job rolling around to the next payday. I spend every day sitting in this office, most of the time doing nothing(work for a residential home builder - lots of stuff to keep you busy(not). So, I am tired of being misaerable, and depressed. I went so far back in december that I created two new playlists on - one for christmas, one to do aerobics with (at the office) Told you I was bored out of my mind.Any whoosle, Once I make up my mind to do something I usually do it. I quit smoking cold turkey eight years ago after I couldn't sing christmas carols without hacking up a lung. So, I guess I will hit the gym a little harder and see how much cellulite falls on the treadmill. Wish me luck and join me at for free monitoring a caloric intake! Til later I wish you skinny thighs and smaller bottoms!
Posted by sandi at 1:22 PM 0 comments
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family - you gotta love em

I must admit that I have the family that is the original 3 stooges. They completely play off of each other and usually I am the brunt of all jokes, qurks, clips, etc. "hey boy - gotta go to kroger do you need anything?(nice mom - offering to pay for useless crap) For goodness sakes mom (standard kroger fare). Ten years ago we went to this little italian restaurant. I order a bottle of wine and the girl brings it to the table and pours a little in the glass for the taste and sniff. Ten years later - wine at the table. Oh boy do I get the "Wait, wait - we must get the booookkkk first right mom". And this randomly happens everytime the three stooges get together.

But, revenge is sometimes sweet when you least expect it. Christmas Eve 2006 - Pretty good year for everybody. Made alot of money that year working for Pinky and the Brain. Anyway - Xmas eve - my adult children still have to open presents on xmax eve so Papa stooge decided that they would get gag gifts from "The Christmas Story" starring ralphie. So we carefully wrapped the gifts in extremely gaudy paper and placed them under the tree. Xmas eve arrives - we want to open a present. Papa Stooge rants and raves and hands the un-knowing gag giftees their presents. Girl Stooge opens first - A blue ball. Boy stooge then chants - let it be a can of simonize and behold it was. They were gag-gifted!

Christmas 2007 - Papa Stooge receives LIVE gag gift from girl stooge of "not a creature was stirring not even a MOUSE

Christmas 2008 - All out of ideas so boy stooge receives a pair of white patent leather loafers (Unlce Eddie on National Lampoon Christmas Vacation) and girl stooge receives a busted hub-cap replacement from Papa Stooge. Don't know what we can do this year - 11 months and 13 days to think about it.