I have a confession to make. I love your blogs, your raunchyness (word?)(don't care) and the fact that you people have kept me alive for the last seven months. I have been condemned to office solitary confinement. In other words, I work for a builder, the builder isn't building anything but I AM STILL GETTING PAID to be here everyday. So I come to the office and I sit and do nothing and LOSE MY MIND. However, one day I stumbled upon the blogosphere and magic - I think I am regaining parts of my brain that have turned to mush. I even began looking for ways to keep myself upbeat and going. Playlist.com and the library have also been good for the soul. It is hard though -especially when the damn walls start talking back!
So, to all the blogs I follow I would like to say thanks from the crazy lady - may the real Sandi return to work land soon. (If you have work you need done send it over cause I am bored out of my ever lovin mind!)
The Emperors' New Sandwich
5 years ago
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