Tuesday Tribute TO: The Fam!
In the spirit of Tuesday Tribute I present the three stooges, again. Family vacations are always memorable with the fam - never know what will show up. A few years ago(ten, funny how I can remember stuff from ten years ago but can't tell you what i wore to work yesterday) we decided to go to Chattanooga for our anniversary and take the kids. It was March so we figured it might be an ok time to go. Wrong, could not see the black bears. Cold, snowy, foggy. Oh come on - make the best of it. We will go skiing! Yeah thats right, never skied before but lets go. First you have the lessons (ok my ankles already hurt). Girl stooge, I love it. Boy stooge - I wanna snowboard. Papa stooge - Can we go get a hot toddy? Ski lessons over, Up the mountain on the lift. We can all fit in the seat together, how fun, how pretty. Time to get off - uh oh, no lessons for that. Boy stooge - go first, fall down, girl stooge go second, fall on top of boy stooge, mamayang go next fall on kids, papa stooge - oh no. SKI LIFT CLOSED - PEOPLE HANGING IN LIFT CHAIRS. THREE STOOGE CATASTROPHE ON THE GROUND - MUST UNMANGLE WITH HELP OF FOUR ASSISTANTANTS. The thing that America's Funniest Videos dreams of. If I had only had the stinking camera we could have been the grand price winners!
So, to the fam, Happy Winter and here's to know more ski anniversaries!
The Emperors' New Sandwich
5 years ago
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